The mission of Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc.
Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. offers a place to work and live, to travel, and to grow as a person as independently as possible with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Our mission is to provide the necessary training, direct care, and support for people with disabilities, by also working in partnership with others in our community. We continue working towards realizing the vision where all individuals with disabilities are valued members of the community. Where based on their own choices and abilities, they actively lead full and productive lives. Key efforts of our agency are providing education and training for members and guidance to families because our main goals is to keep families together and keep services local.
Our programs
We currently serve over 75 people, ages 4 to elderly. Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. has nine programs that run each day. In one program members work on social, physical, and critical thinking skills through play, exercise, travel and volunteering. In another program, we house five job-training programs that offer a service to the community. The one most people recognize is La Castellana Cafe, which serves breakfast, lunch, and our famous Mexican pastries. Visit our Training Programs page to read an overview of all our programs.
At home, families and members can request extra support, and that is where we offer three in-home services. We have staff who teach home-life skills (like cooking and finances), they aid in personal care, and also provide respite to caregivers.
We have three Group Homes. Residents are supported with 24/7 care. They explore hobbies, attend our day programs, run day-to-day errands, go to medical appointments, host social visits, and travel on vacation with family. Additionally, transportation is available to all our members to attend our programs or go to work, plus each Group Home has a dedicated vehicle for all their needs.
Our location
Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc.’s service area is throughout Santa Cruz County, Arizona. The offices and service sites are based in Nogales, Az.
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