Quick overview
Santa Cruz Training Programs, Inc. (SCTP) has nine distinct programs/services. On site are two day-programs. (1) The largest day-program is our DTTA, or La Española, Day Treatment and Training for Adults. At DTTA, over forty members enjoy their day, learning, exercising, and traveling. The second day-program is job training at our Workshop. During the morning and early afternoon, nineteen members work within five employment programs: the Cafe (2), the Bakery (3), the Kitchen (4), the Nursery (5), and Groundskeeping (6).
(7) Outside of those two day-programs, many members’ families request additional help when members are at home. For example, we have staff who visit with them and teach home and life skills and aid in personal care. Occasionally families and caregivers request respite for self-care. (8) Speaking of homes, we also have three Group Homes at full occupancy. Fourteen residents experience independent living with 24/7 support and care. (9) Cruising on the home stretch, our transportation service has a fleet of ADA vehicles for members to attend our programs and go to work. A few members only use our transportation service since they only need help to get to their jobs in the community. Our Group Home members have access to 24/7 transportation for their daily chores, medical appointments, and activities.
DTTA (social and habilitative training programs)

If you visit during birthday celebrations, you will know which building is DTTA from the music and party streamers. Otherwise, La Española DTTA sits just across the street from our Cafe. The program coordinator and staff know how to make work fun. The members are training their minds, muscles, and social skills each day through play, exercise, travel, and volunteering. Volunteers also come to us. They keep us healthy with exercise: learning Tai Chi, moving to music with a local gym instructor, and practicing relaxation techniques with a yoga teacher. If you have an interest in sharing your skills, please visit our Volunteer page. We would love to learn from you!
Our members’ activities are endless. View more of their activities on our DTTA page and consider following us on Facebook to see more!
La Castellana Cafe (a job training program)

Our primary goal for La Castellana Cafe is to run it as a job training program for our members. With this intention, we hope the skills they learn and practice in any of our job training programs will carry them forward to employment in the main community. While in the cafe, members learn how to set tables, serve dishes, clean, and set up tables and chairs for hosting.
Due to your support, the Cafe brings in extra revenue for the agency. This helps the Cafe be self-sustaining, cover employee costs that are not covered by state reimbursements, pay employees who do not qualify for state services, and many projects to keep improving our services for our members and the community. You can help spread the word of our program by inviting others to our Cafe.
As a Cafe, it is open to the public. We serve breakfast, lunch, and our famous pastries. It is open Monday-Friday 8:00am-2:30pm at 71 E. La Castellana, Nogales, Az. We’re happy to make arrangements for hosting, catering, and events. Please call the Cafe at 520-287-5421.
When you visit, we sure would appreciate a review on your favorite app. It can help others find us. This is our Google Reviews page. We figured out Yelp, too.
La Castellana’s Bakery (a job training program)

In the Bakery, members are learning the art of dough and pastry making. They prepare ingredients, peel and chop butternut squash, roll dough, and glaze. After baking, they package and practice their marketing skills while selling their cookies and pastries to various businesses in town.
To see our full menu, view our Bakery page. The Bakery is open Monday-Friday 8:00am-2:30pm at 71 E. La Castellana, Nogales, Az. We’re happy to make arrangements for platters as gifts, occasions, and events. Please call the Bakery at 520-352-7358. If the line is busy, try 520-287-2043 Option 6.
If you like pastries, then you may like our Facebook page. We like to post fun pictures and videos of our work.
La Castellana’s Kitchen (a job training program)

The Kitchen trains our members to be prep staff in a restaurant environment. They learn to chop and peel different vegetables, shred meats, measure ingredients, and clean all the dishes, pots, and pans. If preparing for a catering event, then the members prepare and package everything. They also help deliver meals ordered by staff and any requested deliveries in town.
The Kitchen prepares meals Monday-Friday 8:00am-2:30pm at 71 E. La Castellana, Nogales, Az. We’re happy to help feed hungry folks at your next meeting or event. Please call the Cafe for catering, hosting, and reservations at 520-287-5421. If the line is busy, try our main number 520-287-2043 Option 6.
Our full menu is listed on our website, Facebook, Google Business, and Yelp.
Groundskeeping (a job training program)

We have several work crews doing groundskeeping around the community. Members learn important skills like handling and balancing wheel barrows, safely using garden tools, raking, and weeding.
If your business or home needs care, give us a call. Our groundskeeping services are scheduled in the mornings a few times a week. Please call the Workshop to reserve a time at 520-287-5421 option 3.
Nayo’s Plant Nursery (a job training program)

Nayo’s Nursery was named after our founder’s son, Leonardo. Our members train in garden care, learning the water and soil needs of each plant type. They have a special soil box where they create special mixes to help a plant’s drainage and support root growth.
The Nursery is next door to the Cafe, where we offer plants for sale, such as cacti, succulents, herbs, and happy flowers. In addition to plants, the Nursery supervisor and some members like to paint pots for sale. The custom painted pots are fun for a garden or outdoor patio.
Come on over and choose your new plant or potted plant. We are open Monday-Friday 8:00am – 2:30pm. If you would like to speak to someone about the Nursery, give us a call at 520-287-5421 Option 3.
In-Home Services (home, personal, and caregiver services)

In-Home services involves three services, attendant care, habilitation, and respite. We support families and members of all ages. Attendant care is when family’s request help for a member’s personal needs at home, like hygiene, eating, and other personal care needs. Habilitation services are requested when the family wants to promote independent living skills like healthy cooking, finance management, and safety awareness. Respite care is when staff comes to relieve a caregiver in order to get a break for self-care.
Group Homes (support and room and board)

Our three Group Homes are located around Nogales, Az. The residents participate in the community, practice hobbies, entertain, take part in our day programs, and have 24/7 transportation services. Staff are on site when any resident is home, providing twenty-hour hour care. Each resident is a member with their own goals and vision of life. We are here to support, encourage, and teach skills to help them achieve those goals. Many of our residents are in a Group Home setting in order to have independence from family. For others, their family has entrusted us with their care because with age they could not keep up with their needs. Our efforts are always to keep positive and encourage positive relationships between the members and their families.
Transportation (a no-cost service to members)

The Transportation service empowers all our members to attend our training programs. All of our drivers are trained to be respectful, thoughtful, and careful with each member. The fleet manager has oversight, cameras, and a system to help him praise them and when to find topics for re-training.
For our riders, most use our service to attend. Some use it to go to work within the community. Within the training programs, members use the service to travel to fun places and market their products.